Category Archives: Fuel economy

Fuel Oil Emulsions

Nowadays much importance is placed on the problems of energy saving and environmental safety. In particular, these issues are of great significance while servicing fuel equipment.

The water-fuel emulsions are proved to contribute to conservation of fuel and energy resources and improve environmental conditions.  The water-fuel emulsion may consist of different components such as:

(1) water – fuel oil;

(2) water – diesel oil;

(3) water – gasoline; and

(4) water- fuel oil – coal dust.

Water that has entered into fuel oil during transportation, storing or warming up increases its viscosity and it may have negative consequences.  But properly prepared water-fuel emulsions makes it possible to achieve good results.

Often, the content of  water in fuel oil exceeds the admissible limit value (12-16% instead of 1.5 %). It may be difficult to separate water from fuel by sedimentation as density of water and fuel oil are almost the same.  Water does not settle to the bottom of the container and distributes unevenly in the diesel fuel.  As a result, the flame is disturbed, the injectors go out slowly and sometimes it may be troublesome to fire the injectors.

Restarting of the boiler units can cause strong puffs and damages because of accumulated combustible gases.  The regulatory documents state that the water content of the fuel oil that is to be burnt must be 0.3 -1 %.

According to the traditional technologies, there are only two procedures of fuel oil preparation: dehydration and heating.  Water expulsion is an energy-consuming process that leads to the loss of fuel volatile components.

As previously mentioned, sedimentation is time-consuming and does not provide a desirable effect. It is not reasonable to apply chemical or biological methods since they require additional areas, operational and financial expenditures.

The fuel oil emulsion combustion provides for substantial economic effect, improves boiler’s efficiency (3-5 %) and reduces the amount of harmful discharges into the air.

The significant cost savings are possible when adding 10-15% of water into the fuel oil.  More than 20 % of water in the emulsion will lower the quality of the combustion process.  But it is desirable to increase the water content with a view to the waste water disposal. If to increase the water content in fuel oil emulsion up to 50 %, there may be observed some positive environmental impacts since waste water is the main component of the fuel oil emulsion.

The use of homogenized fuel oil emulsion allows for fuel saving, reduction of such discharges as NO x and CO x and improves the quality of the fuel combustion.

How are these effects achieved?

The atomizer disperses fuel oil that is supplied to the burner.  The size of the droplets should be 0.1 – 1 mm.  If there is water in the droplets, it will turn into vapor when heated.  The dispersion of the fuel, being supplied to the burner is increased due to the breakdown of the fuel oil droplets.

Additionally, the fuel and air contact area is extended that will lead to the improvement of the fuel-air mixture quality.  The homogenized fuel oil emulsion is less viscous than fuel oil, which makes the fuel transfer process much easier.

No less important factor that weighs in favour of fuel oil emulsions is that they benefit the durability of the fuel firing equipment.

How to achieve all these effects?

The answer is simple – just to make finely-dispersed and non-segregating fuel oil emulsion. GlobeCore has developed and is still producing  the USB units that contribute to the fuel oil emulsion production.  They are designed to blend liquid petroleum products such as fuel oil, diesel oil or stove fuel with additives and water.  The USB units are equipped with high-accurate electronic control system that ensures the precise metering of components.

The ready-made emulsions can be applied in any heating equipment and stored during a long period of time without settling.

How To Save Heavy Fuel Oil?

The biggest problem of nowadays is that people have never thought that fuel and power resources are at risk of becoming depleted.  Future generations may pay a high price for such wastefulness of their ancestors.

Heavy fuel oil enjoys a wide application in housing maintenance and utility.

It is difficult to find a boiler house that does not use this dark brown substance to produce heat.

One of the major benefits of heavy fuel oil is its high energy value: 1 kilogram of such substance is able to produce 9150 kilocalories of heat while burning.  If to compare diesel fuel and heavy fuel oil, used for house heating, the latter is proved to be much cheaper.  Viscosity is considered to be one of the essential performance characteristics of heavy fuel oil and depends on the heating temperature.  The fuel oil consumption rate is measured at 80-100ºC/176- 212ºF.

Heavy fuel oil should be pre-warmed because its high viscosity doesn’t allow it to be applied immediately.  It is warmed up by hot steam, but there may be negative consequences as condensed steam may get into the heavy oil fuel and hamper the burning process. As a result, the amount of heat being generated is significantly reduced.

Therefore, much fuel is needed to compensate the losses which will result in significant financial expenditures.  As this method has no chance of success, there should be found another way out.  A method of sedimentation is often used to separate water from oil products.  Though this method is considered very effective, it doesn’t work in cases with heavy fuel oil.  The water is difficult to separate from the oil product since its density is the same as that of heavy fuel oil.  But even in summer, some water may get into the fuel when stored for a long time.

Fuel oil emulsion however, has become an optimal solution to many problems.

The main problem is that it is very difficult to make the obtained substance finely-divided and stable.  Therefore, GlоbeCоre has developed the USB unit that is designed to make finely-divided and high-stable emulsions, based on liquid oil products (heavy fuel oil, diesel oil) and water (pure or waste waters, sream).

Heavy fuel oil efficiency is achieved due to its emulsification in the USB unit.  As a result, the efficiency of the boiler unit is increased as well and provided by such factors as:

(1) water is evenly distributed through the whole substance;

(2) fragmentation and incineration of substance inside the furnace are provided by low fanning blast, eliminating the risk of underburnings;

(3) the emulsion droplets are grinded down in the furnace; and

(4) stack gasses heat recovery;

The fuel oil emulsion gives the possibility of reducing by two times the smoke emissions and three to four times the carbon black emissions.  The benefits of fuel oil emulsion application are given below.

The advantages of fuel oil emulsion

Table 1

Factors that may contribute to fuel oil saving Percentage of fuel oil saving
The emulsification of water, contained in the heavy fuel oil, supplied for burning up to 2%
Reduction of the excess air ration in furnace by 0.1 0.7%
Reduction in temperature of stack gases by 10°С / 50°F 0.6%
Reduction in temperature of feed water, heated in the unit-type economizer by 10 °C / 50°F 1.6%
Reduction in temperature of feed water that enters the unit type economizer by 10 °C / 50°F 0.24%
Carbon back emissions reduction up to 0.2%
clean heat-exchange surfaces of boiler up to 2%
Reduction in temperature of fuel oil heating by 30 °C / 86 °F up to 1%
Substitution of steam-atomizing injectors by mechanical atomizing injectors up to 1%
Maintaining the efficiency of the heat unit while operating at 75% nominal capacity 0.7%
Fuel loss due to evaporation of water, contained in emulsion 0.8%
Possible total fuel savings (including fuel loss due to evaporation of water, contained in emulsion). up to 10%

Heavy-Fuel Oil Savings

Heavy fuel oil is a dark brown liquid that is obtained from petroleum distillation.  Though the composition of heavy fuel oil may vary, there are such basic components as:

(1) long residuum;

(2) tar;

(3) vacuum gas oils;

(4) kerosine-gas oil fractions;

(5) catalytic gas oil;

(6) coker gas oil;

(7) visbreaker tar; and

(8) heavy resins of pyrolysis.

Nowadays, heavy fuel oil enjoys wide application while producing motor fuel or bunker oil and when heating homes due to such performance characteristics as:

(1) high calorific value; and

(2) low ash content;

Additionally, heavy fuel oil provides a luminous flame that ensures good heat transfer in the combustion chamber.

As any other product, furnace fuel oil has some drawbacks such as:

(1) Increased safety requirements;

(2) high sulphur content (about 3.5 %); and

(3) high freezing point (25-30ºС/77-86ºF).

Despite all the drawbacks, heavy fuel oil is still in demand.  Far-sighted use of resources is provided by significant reduction in the fuel and energy resources.

Every year people are trying to find new ways how to save on residential heating costs.  Additionally, the major attempts should be directed to the reduction of harmful discharges into the air resulting from the combustion process.

In our opinion, the solution to many problems may be found in the processing of heavy fuel oil before it is burned in the combustion process.  This method consists in the preparation of fuel oil emulsion that has such advantages as:

(1) fuel combustion intensification ;

(2) waste water disposal; and

(3) reduction of CO2 or NOX emissions;

You may wonder: “Why is this method considered to be cost saving?”.  It’s quite simple: The emulsion consists of the components that are cheaper than heavy fuel oil itself.

To prepare fuel oil emulsion, there may be needed such additives as:

(1) clean water;

(2) water that has been used to blow down into boilers;

(3) water vapor; and

(4) Waste water, contaminated by oil products.

One should remember that a desirable effect from the combustion of fuel oil emulsion may be obtained only if it is prepared in a proper way.  First, a special homogeneous mixture type “water-oil” is prepared.  The diameter of the water droplets constituting a dispersed phase is a few microns.  The properly prepared fuel oil emulsion provides good ignition and stable combustion of fuel.

And now little remains to be done – to choose equipment which provides for the production of high-quality fuel oil emulsion.

Globe Core has developed and is still producing  the USB units that are designed for production of fine emulsion, consisting of liquid oil products (heavy fuel oil, diesel fuel, stove fuel, or oil-sludge) and different additives.

The final product can be transported and stored for a long period of time. Additionally, it benefits the reduction of harmful discharges into the air and allows for cost reduction.

Fuel Consumption

In present time fuel customers get offered a row of perfect products for fuel consumption enhancement, processes of fuel combustion, both in petrol engines for cars, and to the diesel.

All additives to fuels are harmless to the car and serve as protection against the low-quality fuel which has got to a tank and will increase saving. They will secure and will burn any fuel and if fuel is a standard, then because of the combustion completeness will increase a power, decrease fuel consumption and harm of exhaust gases. Additives will increase service life of spark plugs, turbines, and the catalytic agent of exhaust gases, will prolong service life of elements of final system. The use of standard fuel in the normal car doesn’t lead to unwanted consequences, but fuel use with additives will lower vehicle owner expenses. The preparation of such fuel is carried out by means of special technologies, for example using of the modern hydrodynamic blending systems like “USB” and special fuel additives. As a rule, additives differ by the functional purpose. These are depressor, antiwear, anti-smoky, washing, anti-oxidizing, dispersive, the corrosion inhibitors promoters of burning reducing fuel consumption and many other. Also at any fuel there are the additives improving it anti-detonation properties. It is octane which is rising for gasoline, and increases its resistance to inflaming in case of fuel compression in the combustion chamber. It is necessary to stimulate ability of a fuel compound to ignite in case of compression in the diesel engine. For this purpose the cetane additive is raising cetane number of diesel fuel.

Speaking about the modern fuel generally, which is made from crude oil products, it will be wrong do not to remind about one of delightful alternative – the biodiesel and bioethanol. Biodiesel is a product of interesterification received from any vegetable oils and animal fats. Bioethanol is a product of fermention process of corn, wheat, a rye, etc. Biodiesel is used as independently, and in a compound with the normal diesel with normal internal combustion engines reducing (diesel) fuel consumption, without modification of engine construction. Bioethanol is also used in a compound with gasoline, and independently thereby reducing fuel consumption.

Blending system “USB” brand of the GlobeCore Blending trademark intended for mixing from two to five separate components, in particular low-octane gasoline with additives components VKD and other components. Feature of offered blending system is  applying an injection method and hydrodynamic shock which is raise octane (cetane) number of fuel without aliquation of final product within more than 180 days, (is guaranteed).


Liquids blending processes are extensively relates to human life. For example we could meet these processes in the laboratory chaotic advection researches, in oil processing branches, chemical, industrial and even in the food industry. Passing speed, quality of a compound and expense of energy are undoubtedly one of defining factors in developing process of blending system.

Despite that engineers spent huge time on development of the modern blending systems, still there are manufacturer plants compare for quality and homogeneity of a ready compound without the long foliation in all volumes and minimum electrical expenses. As all liquid components after all have distinction of property on density, salinity, viscosity and color. The main objective of blending process consists in reaching simple distribution of components in a principal component.

When liquid with high intensity gets to processing by ultrasound, sound waves extend in liquid and lead to formation of high pressure cycles which called compression and low pressure which called discharge with a speed depending on frequency. In the discharge period high-intensity ultrasound waves create small volume bubbles or spaces in liquid. Bubbles grow to the sizes that they can’t absorb energy any more, they expose during a compression. This phenomenon calls cavitation.

Flow of liquid which passing “USB” blending system gets to the cavitation zone. Frequency of pulses is caused by properties of “USB” blending systems and it is located in the range from 400 to 35 000 Hz. All flow of liquid passes through a zone of highly effective cavitation.


In the process of cavitational bubbles explosition for very short time (less than 1 microsecond) pressure more than 1000 atm develops. Due to big stability of operating frequencies, high homogeneity of a ready-made product is reached. Blending system  ”USB” is constructed and selected for support of the minimum pressure differential and maximum reliability. Blending systems “USB” which manufactared by Globecore company are equipped with the controler with unique self-training algorithm which instantaneous reacts to changes of process conditions or quality of raw materials. Components are continuously dosed, and their ratio is permanently regulates during product production to provide optimum quality and minimum loss.


Fuel economy

Fuel economy is a constant factor both for motorists and large research facilities. The increase fuel price make it necessary to search for efficient methods, which can help save money. An average car may have an annual mileage of several thousand miles. In term of fuel expenses, it is quite an amount which may be costly for any budget, be it a small business or a family. The internet has a wealth of information on fuel economy, and this is an attempt to look at them in more detail.

In modern European vehicles, nominal and actual fuel consumption are practically identical, which cannot be said about older vehicles. Those consume a lot more fuel. In real numbers, European cars consume 4 to 6 liters of petrol per 100 kilometers even in city traffic.

Hydrogen and Brown gas. If gasoline is used together with cheap alternative fuels, economy is very real. At this time many vehicle manufacturers are researching ways to develop electrolytic generation of hydrogen. Such devices are called Brown gas generators or hydrogen generators. They generate not the dangerous H2, but a more safe compound, called Brown gas, HHO, made in catalytic electrolysis cells. The gas is then injected with fuel and air into the cylinders, saving fuel. This is due to the reduction of the amount of fuel mix fed into the cylinders and intensification of the combustion process. All processes from generation of gas to optimization of the mix are completely automated and are managed by a single processor.

Water-gasoline emulsions. First experiments in saving fuel by forming water-fuel emulsions began in the 1970s. This is when the research into increasing economy by injecting water into the cylinder along with the fuel. Back then there were no electronic control systems reliable enough to commercialize the technology. With time, the process was automated. Such devices may be installed either on injector or carburetor engine.

Water enters into the manifold through the nozzle. There it is mixed with air, forming micro drops. After fuel injection, these droplets become covered with a thin fuel film, increasing the fuel’s surface area. In the result the combustion of the fuel is improved. Combustion products and water vapor move the pistons.

For implementation of such systems it is enough to correctly set up the injection system or improve the carburetor engine somewhat.

Projected economy with the use of such systems is up to 30% or more, if the vehicle run on low octane fuel.

Oxygen ionizers. Again, the modern electronic control systems allow to use oxygen ionizer. The latter enters the combustion chamber and polarizes hydrogen molecules, freeing active oxygen radicals. The fuel-air combustion in the chamber is quite intensive and happens faster. Manufacturer estimate 8 to 10% fuel economy and potential ability to switch from 95 to 92 octane petrol, saving 5 to 7% more.

The above methods require complex technology to implement. However, there are simple general recommendations, tested and tried by motorists. Although the economy is not that significant, they are still worth following.

Driving style. Smooth driving without pushing the pedal to the metal saves fuel. This is easy for drivers with automatic transmission. For manual transmission, the driver has to keep track of engine rpm and shift accordingly many times a minute without the help of automation.

Air conditioning is another factor. All extra devices are powered by the engine. Air conditioning consumes significant amount of power, so it should only be used when it is really necessary. Never turn AC on with open windows.

Drag. When the vehicle is moving, the oncoming air creates drag, especially with open windows. In some cases it is better to turn on the AC than to pull the windows down.

Tire pressure. This should be kept within the limits specified by the manufacturer. Higher pressure reduces fuel consumption, but reduces tire lifetime and comfort. Overpressure is not recommended: the saved fuel will probably not cover the cost of tire replacement.

Lighten the vehicle. Every pound in the trunk increases fuel burn.

The gap between spark plug electrodes should be kept at manufacturer specified maximum. This is usually 1 mm. The correct gap improves combustion and reduces fuel burn.