Windshield Washer Fluid: How to Start Up Your Own Business

Production of windshield washer fluid will be of the great interest as long as people use cars as a means of transport.  In summer, the windshield may be washed by water, but what to do in winter?  Well, the answer is simple: use a windshield washer fluid that cleans the windshield and prevents it from icing.

It is nothing new that the competition among the companies engaged in the production of windshield washer fluid is very tough.  But, the number of vehicles on the roads is increasing year by year.   As such, there many business possibilities that may be successfully realized.  The main thing is to do your best to implement ideas in life.

Step-by-step tips: how to produce a commericially viable windshield washer fluid

The production process of windshield washer fluid  is not so difficult as it might first appear.  It is not necessarily to be a specialist in chemistry or have a field-specific education to start up such a business.  Windshield washer fluid results from chemical reactions carried out in isopropyl alcohol.  The alcohol-based solutions are blended with purified water, flavoring agents, and other additives.
First, to start up a business, you should take care of the documentation.  It is desirable to register limited liability company since there will be considerable production volumes of windshield washer fluid.

It is also recommended to study the market thoroughly, evaluate your possibilities, probable risks and analyze the activity of your competititors.  It is very crucial, of course, to think over the points of sales of your product.

But before that, the producers have to fix the price for the first batch of windshield washer fluid thereby taking into account the value of the product and the desirable profit.

The equipment used for the windshield washer fluid production takes up approximatey ten square meters (10m²).  It is recommended to find a manufacturing area of 350-500 m² since  there may be needed some additional space such as warehouses or storage facilities for goods that are ready to ship.

The Distribution System as a Fundamental Factor of Successful Business

The distribution of your products is very essential in terms of earning an income.

The majority of the potential sales points are situated in the car markets, auto shops or vehicle service stations therefore, it is desirable to promote cooperation with the businesses listed above.
If the production output is planned thoroughly, there will not be unsold goods left in your warehouses.  In order to increase sales, it may be desirable to acquire vending machines that allow for pouring non-freezing fluid in accordance with the amount paid for by the buyer.  These machines may be placed at retail fuel stations as well as at the parking lots of popular shopping centers.

Don’t forget about the advertisement!

It is the advertisement and promotion that, in most cases, directly or indirectly influences drivers when they choose a brand of windshield washer fluid.  The advertising campaign therefore, should be planned in advance.

What to do in summer?

In summer, the producers of non-freezing fluids may adjust the equipment in such a way that it starts producing  headlight and window washing fluids.  This fluid contains water and a small amount of alcohol.  It should be noted that the price for such a wash is lower than a price for non-freezing fluid.



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